Wednesday, March 27, 2013

À Paris!

Tomorrow I leave for Paris! I'm participating in a French exchange program at school and will be staying with the girl I hosted earlier this year. For 11 days I will be completely immersed in French culture and have the opportunity to tour Paris with a true Parisian. While I'm there I will not only be enjoying the sights, food and company of my friends but learning and understanding a new culture. I will be blogging from there as well and hope to find a connection between French issues and Southeast Asia.

You will hear from me soon, but for now:

      Au revoir!!


  1. Bonne chance et on se réjouit déjà de te rencontrer avec tes parents soit à Paris soit en Suisse

    Chris and Gemma

  2. The French intervention in Mali is an interesting backdrop as France and Vietnam celebrate 40 years of diplomatic ties with new strategic initiatives.

  3. Mary - At this point, you are probably on your way back to Virginia. You have made some very interesting comments with an awareness of the nuance of religion and culture in Southeast Asia.

    It would be interesting to read your thoughts regarding any themes joining France today with their imperial experience in Vietnam and the role of the Catholic Church in both.

    Good luck!

    All the best,
    Bill Glenney
